The Wellbeing Team: Social Prescribers




A social prescriber is here to listen to you whatever your age.

We need to know what matters to you and how we can best support you to reach your goal. The Social Prescriber will have that conversation with you and put you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better and meet your goal or overcome your difficulty.

Your Social Prescriber might introduce you to a community group, a new activity or a local club if you feel this is something that might be right for you. We can also support you by linking you with benefits advice or debt counselling or signposting to Citizens Advice.


Social prescribing is available for young families or young people, but parental consent is required for those under 18 years.   We can provide guidance on parenting, growing up, social and wellbeing issues.  We can help you to access local resources and ensure that you reach your goals.  You can self-refer to a social prescriber by visiting the following link.   


Our Social Prescribers

Claire Locket

Jen Lynch

Contact the team

Contact the team online

Telephone: 01747 834337

Claire Locket is our Social Prescriber who works with our older patients and is the Carers Lead.  Claire works closely with our Frailty Nurse and liaises with unpaid carers registered at the Practice as well as raising awareness of unpaid carers within our community.

Jen Lynch is the Social Prescriber for Young People and Families. Jen works mainly with young people aged 11-25, and with families. Jen works closely with other agencies and organisations, as well as local groups and activities to provide support, signposting and linking as well as a listening ear across a range of issues that are not medical.