Carer Identification



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You are a carer if you look after a family member or neighbour who could not manage normal day to day living without your help.

  • By identifying yourself as a carer, we will be able to support you and signpost you to the support services available to you as a carer.
  • If you consent, we will also refer you to Adult Social Care for an assessment; they will identify your needs and provide further support to you as a carer.

For the purposes of this form, you are not a carer if you are employed to do so or you are volunteering to do so through a helping organisation. This would make you a care worker.

Your details as the carer
If required
Please double check you've entered the correct email address
Details of the person you look after
If required
Additional Questions

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical information about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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